We sample all that it is concerning the school and we tell it all to you in text and graphics.

Academic Height

We show you our records in the classroom which translate to BECE results.

Top Achievers

We present right here the excellence of our students in other extra curriculum activities

Spiritual Drive

We tell you in this context, what we do and where we go to tell our children good morals


to learn more about us, the Slecan s​tory, 


Gallery Videos


Rev. Bro. Dery Seregious 
Provincial superior of the F.I.C Brothers, Wa


Mr. George Dabuo

Mr. Frank N. L. Dumba

Br. Isidore Aabeisie Nelson 

Br. Godwin Saabekone Kuu-ireme 

Br. Irenius Nimbare 

Dr.Bismark Y. Guba


We present to you a brief photo session of some of our students in Junior High School

Brothers FIC Concepts


Since the arrival of the brothers in 1965 in Kaleo (Ghana), the Brothers FIC had established and managed many schools at both basic, secondary and technical levels

Basic Education Projects

At the basic levels, FIC has established and managed St. Gabriel Primary and Junior High School in Tumu, St. Andrews Primary and Junior High School in Wa, St. Mary’s Primary and Junior High in Tumu-Chinchang and St. Charles Lwanga Primary and Junior High in Zebilla.  

Secondary Education Projects

At the secondary level, Nandom Senior High School was established by the Congregation in 1968. At the technical and vocational level, two schools were established; St. Johns vocational and technical institute in Nandom and St. Basilide Technical and Vocational Institute in Kaleo.

Impact of Projects

The Brothers have ever run a Prep School in which young boys were brought to boarding house for one year to assist them to write the Common Entrance Examination to enable them gain admissions into the secondary schools. It was another opportunity for many who otherwise could not have gotten secondary education. It is worth mentioning that all the above schools are not only functioning effectively, but also have excellent academic and moral records and have turned out many upright graduates who are morally trained and are making positive impact in society.All the above schools have been started to solve the needs of these people at their various locations. 

The Brothers have ever run a Prep School in which young boys were brought to boarding house for one year to assist them to write the Common Entrance Examination to enable them gain admissions into the secondary schools. It was another opportunity for many who otherwise could not have gotten secondary education. It is worth mentioning that all the above schools are not only functioning effectively, but also have excellent academic and moral records and have turned out many upright graduates who are morally trained and are making positive impact in society.

All the above schools have been started to solve the needs of these people at their various locations. Basically, they were established to bring education to the less privilege in society and make them affordable to all children of school going age. Although some of these schools were normally started as private institutions, they subsequently became public schools with government-assisted status.Through our schools we offer our services to improve the living standard of the people. We believe that quality education can make people live healthily, happily and be able to serve God and neighbour. 

Wherever we are as FIC Brothers we build schools to assist us in the formation of the youth. Through education and formation of the youth we are able to make a lot of impact in the church and society. The impact of our schools to the society are visible, our schools have produced teachers, doctors, lawyers, politicians and people in all walks of life.

Through our schools we offer our services to improve the living standard of the people. We believe that quality education can make people live healthily, happily and be able to serve God and neighbour. Wherever we are as FIC Brothers we build schools to assist us in the formation of the youth. Through education and formation of the youth we are able to make a lot of impact in the church and society. The impact of our schools to the society are visible, our schools have produced teachers, doctors, lawyers, politicians and people in all walks of life.

Growth Records

We have sampled our growth statistics here to prove to you that we deserve excellence

Take a Look